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Nature Mandala | Twenty Four

Lots has been changing in this past week.

The previous three weeks were very aligned to a mid day walk. Each one tended to vary in length but they were all around the same time of day.

Today is a weekend, but this week has seen early mornings, twilight walks and it is all keeping my awareness very receptive.

I've been noticing, the sounds/stillness, the skies, the temperature, all the senses are really heightened.

If you are wondering what this mini blog series is about, it all links to the 28 days of lockdown we are experiencing in the UK right now. Each day I go out for a walk and on my return I create a mandala.

The above Mandala is 24/28.

Wondering what a Mandala is?

A Mandala is a circle, a symbol.

'manda' = essence and 'la' = container.

A Mandala translates in 'sanskrit' terms as a container of essence.

It is sacred geometry, it can also be seen as a meditation device, and it carries magical healing properties for you and aids in tapping into your higher form of consciousness.

If you meditate on it, the layers and depth of messages it conveys is very healing and transformative.

You can read about my other walks and see my other nature mandalas below.

Nature Mandala Day One here.

Nature Mandala Day Two here.

Nature Mandala Day Three here.

Nature Mandala Day Four here.

Nature Mandala Day Five here.

Nature Mandala Day Six here.

Nature Mandala Day Seven here.

Nature Mandala Day Eight here.

Nature Mandala Day Nine here.

Nature Mandala Day Ten here.

Nature Mandala Day Eleven here.

Nature Mandala Day Twelve here.

Nature Mandala Day Thirteen here.

Nature Mandala Day Fourteen here.

Nature Mandala Day Fifteen here.

Nature Mandala Day Sixteen here.

Nature Mandala Day Seventeen here.

Nature Mandala Day Eighteen here.

Nature Mandala Day Nineteen here.

Nature Mandala Day Twenty here.

Nature Mandala Day Twenty One here.

Nature Mandala Day Twenty Two here.

Nature Mandala Day Twenty Three here.

Mandala Message of the Today:

Stay awake to all your senses


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