Raphaelle Sareenah Cox

1 min

Nature Mandala | Ten

The coast beckoned today.

There was a strong wind and a turbulent sea, very reflective of my chaotic mind right now. Lots churning up, rising to the surface ready to be acknowledged and released.

I had a foggy head before the walk began, and a clear head after the walk.

It was one of those days were the coast was the perfect setting to clear and cleanse my energy.

If you are wondering what this mini blog series is about, it all links to the 28 days of lockdown we are experiencing in the UK right now. Each day I go out for a walk and on my return I create a mandala.

The above Mandala is 10/28.

You can read about my other nature walks and see my other nature mandalas below.

Nature Mandala Day One here.

Nature Mandala Day Two here.

Nature Mandala Day Three here.

Nature Mandala Day Four here.

Nature Mandala Day Five here.

Nature Mandala Day Six here.

Nature Mandala Day Seven here.

Nature Mandala Day Eight here.

Nature Mandala Day Nine here.

Mandala Message of the Today:

You are always supported.

#healing #mandala #art